Thursday Night.

/ Kamis, 09 Juni 2011 /
It's Thursday night like you all know. I hate realizing another Thursday night is about to coming out, again and again. I hate the bad feeling after that 'realizing'-phase. I hate how realizing would not change anything, just make it worst.

Its presence always make me think, deep down inside, I'm broke. For some reasons that could not be explained and be solved--except by the God and only by the God. I'm still trying to believe that I am what I'm thinking of, that what will be happening to me is what I expect to before. But, well if been trying a million times to skip this kind of shit , but you see... just nothing happens. It's happening over and over again, for more than a million time. I need something that would stop its presence, hims either...

I just want to not be home now, not exist in this world. I wanna fly to...nothing so I'll hear nothing, see nothing, and do nothing. Then I'll be the nothing itself. Just for tonight, and another Thursday-nights. 

Just I wish, aye? Ha ha.

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